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The future

No more life shall be wasted.

Letting children grow up in the streets all by themselves is a serious violation of human rights. These children are doomed to end up in prison or to die at a very young age. The Brazilian government pays 740 Euros for a prisoner per month.The OPN has only 75 Euros per month, per child! Iit is inacceptable that there are children with no chace of having a better life just because a lack of money. So we fight for getting financially supported by the government. Because we know that childrend from the streets can change their life if they get the right supportion and help.

More public attention.

Our demands get public by our politic lobby-work, public-work and our own radioshow. At doing this we get support by former streetchildren, a living proof of the success our association has.

Efficient child care.

The OPN founded the federation ?Equipe Interinstitutional?, which has become an important institution for the co-operation between various child-care-projects in Fortaleza. Due to this co-operation, we have achieved a greater efficiency in our work and a greater power to influence political decision making processes. Our current aim is to establish a similar network in Recife.

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